Devaljın, Injectable Solution

Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory





THE COMPONENTS: Devaljın injectable solution contains 500mg of Metamizole Sodium in each ml. It is a clear and pale-yellow coloured solution.

PHARMACOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Devaljın injectable solution is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory solution that has been composed by changing the pyramidon molecule, which is also a derivative of pyrazolone. It is an analgesic, spasmolytic, antipyretic, antirheumatic, and general sedative effective preparation used parenterally in any circumstance of pain and ache in pets. It provides an analgesic effect by increasing the pain perception threshold of pain-related centres in the central nervous system.

AREA OF USE/INDICATIONS: In cases of rheumatism, acute and chronic polyarthritis, tendinitis and tendovaginitis pain, myositis, neuritis and neuralgia,

In addition to the specific treatment of spasmodic intestinal pains, tetanus and esophageal spasms, tetany, renal colic and other diseases,

During labor pains and especially during birth, spastic states of the uterus, prolapse,

It is used post-operatively to diminish aches and pains that can develop after surgical interventions.

THE WAY OF USAGE/DOSAGE: Unless otherwise recommended by the veterinarian;

Pharmacological dosage of metamizole sodium; For cattles, the recommended dose is 30 mg of the drug per kg of live weight. Horses should be given 40 mg/kg, while dogs require 75 mg/kg.

Horse           : 8 ml /100 kg live weight                  Foal         : 4 ml /50 kg live weight

Cattle       : 6 ml /100 kg live weight                 Calf  : 3 ml /50 kg live weight

Dog  : 1.5 ml /10 kg live weight

If necessary, the same dose can be repeated after half an hour.

Devaljın Injectable Solution is used intramuscularly(IM) or slowly intravenously(IV).

It can be repeated every 8 hours when necessary, depending on the purpose of utilization.

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