THE COMPONENTS: FCV (Feline calicivirus), FVR (Feline viral rhinotracheitis virus) and FPLV (Feline

The vaccine is in a lyophilized form, and it contains live, weakened strains of the panleucopenia virus.At least 4.6 log10 pfu of FCV F9 strain, 5.2 log10 pfu of FVR G2620A strain and

Contains 4.3 log10 TCID50 FPLV MW-1 strain.

INDICATIONS: It is applied to provide active immunization to cats starting from the age of 8-9 weeks to reduce the clinical findings and virus excretion caused by infections caused by feline calicivirus and feline rhinotracheitis virus and also to prevent the clinical findings, virus excretion and leukopenia caused by feline panleukopenia virus. The duration of immunity is one year for FCV and FVR components; For the FPLV component, it is three years.

WAY OF USE/DOSAGE: The vaccine is prepared with the diluent provided before use. The diluent is injected into the vaccine and shaken gently until the vaccine is completely dissolved. The vaccine must be at room temperature, and then 1 ml of vaccine must be applied subcutaneously. Sterile vaccination equipment should be used, but any contact between vaccines and disinfectants should be prevented.

RECOMMENDED VACCINATION SCHEDULE: The vaccination process is done in two phases, with each phase being applied at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks. The first vaccination must be done at 8-9 weeks of age, and the second vaccination at 12 weeks of age.

WARNINGS: Since this product wasn’t tested on pregnants or lactation, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. In case of accidental self-injection, a physician should be consulted immediately, and the product prospectus or label should be shown to the physician.

END OF USE DISPOSAL: No special precautions are required. It is disposed of by national legislation.

STORAGE(PRESERVE) CONDITIONS: It should be stored in a dark environment at 2–8 °C. It shouldn’t be kept at room temperature for a long time after taking it out of the refrigerator. When kept at room temperature for a long time, the effectiveness of the vaccine may decrease significantly. Nobivac Solvent can be kept at room temperature.

Shelf life: 33 months.

COMMERCIAL PRESENTATION: It is kept in boxes containing five vials of Nobivac Tricat Trio vaccine and five diluents.

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